
You Need This Tool to Get Rid of Pet Hair!

Paul Caballero

You love your fur baby. But that doesn’t mean you’re thrilled about all the pet hair that gets on your clothes, your furniture, and everything else.  

But there is a solution! A reusable sticky roller is just what you need to keep pet hair under control. 

Keep reading to learn more about it.  


Throw away lint rollers are not an eco-friendly option. If you want to help out the planet, choose a reusable sticky roller. It can be used countless times without throwing anything away.  

Good for Your Wallet 

The cost of disposable rollers adds up. Think of the money you could save if you didn’t have to keep paying for refills.  

You will be happy to know that it’s possible to save that money. For an affordable, one-time investment, you will get a reusable sticky roller that lasts for many years. 

Easy to Reuse 

Prepping your roller for reuse is quick and effortless. All you have to do is run some hot water over it. Then voila! It’s ready to go again.  


You might be wondering if a reusable sticky roller can pick up more than just pet hair. The answer to that question is yes! No matter what kind of dry mess you are dealing with, your roller can handle it.  

Handles Any Surface 

Whether your furball has shed all over your beautiful hardwood floor or your favorite silk blouse,  a reusable sticky roller will eradicate that pet har. Try it out on any surface and be amazed!

Ready to get rid of the pet hair in your home? MyStickyBuddy can help. Order your reusable sticky roller from MyStickyBuddy today! 

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